How do I place a new Table in my Restaurant?
Hi Chef, Tables are required to accommodate Customers in your Restaurant. More Tables mean more Customers which in turn will earn you more S...
How can I replace or change a Table with the new ones?
Hi Chef, You can replace or change the Tables in the Restaurant by following the below steps: Long press on the Table to enter int...
How many Tables can I have in my Restaurant?
To begin with, all our chefs start with one Table in the Restaurant. As you advance in the game you will be able to place more Tables in you...
How can I move or rotate a Table?
Hi Chef, Tap and hold the Table until it is highlighted with a green background. Once highlighted you can hold and drag and Table anywh...
How do I move or rearrange items in my Restaurant?
Hi Chef, You can move around Appliances, Tables, Décors, Soil boxes, and Trees. To do that, tap and hold the item you want to move or r...
How can I expand my Restaurant?
Hi Chef, As you progress through the game you will need more space in your Restaurant to place Tables and Appliances. At level 6 and ab...
How do I decorate my Restaurant?
Hi Chef, Several types of Decors are available and can be used to make your Restaurant look beautiful! Follow the steps below to decorate yo...
How do I change my Restaurant name?
Hi Chef, You can change your Restaurant name by tapping on the name board located near the Customer waiting area.
How to serve a Customer in your Restaurant?
Hi Chef, It's easy peasy, once the required Dishes for the Order is ready, you can serve by tapping on the Table and simply dragging the dis...
How to purchase a new Appliance?
Hi Chef, Follow the steps below to place a new Appliance in the Restaurant: Tap on the green Shopping Basket at the bottom left co...
How can I place new walls in my Restaurant?
Hi Chef, You can change your Restaurant wall any way you desire.Tap on the Shop icon which is at the bottom left of your screen. Select...
How to delete a Table Order?
You can cancel an order anytime If you are unable to serve your Customers. To do so, you can tap on the Table which you want to cancel and t...
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